Past USAID Sub-Partner
Fundación Salvadoreña de Desarrollo y Vivienda Mínima (FUNDASAL)
Type of organization
Socio-economic factors
Based in
El Salvador
Operates in
El Salvador
FUNDASAL is a nongovernmental and nonprofit organization that was formed after the 1968 floods in El Salvador. Since then, FUNDASAL has supported the efforts of low-income communities to improve their housing and living conditions, promoted community organization and self-management, and created alternative models for community development across all 14 departments of El Salvador. In 2015, FUNDASAL and the Salvadoran government collaborated in the FUNDASAL-proposed National Policy on Housing and Habitat, which for the first time established a framework for producing long-term housing solutions. Other areas of intervention include employment generation and potential income, safety and violence prevention, women, and youth empowerment.