Industry Directory, Talent Exchange, and Contact Us

The directory below contains the emails of our industry leads. Please reach out to start a conversation. USAID will review your message and prioritize opportunities where there is the most strategic alignment for collaboration. 

If you would prefer to reach out to our general partnering concierge, email us at

THE PRIVATE SECTOR TALENT EXCHANGE: Looking to work alongside USAID by applying your industry know-how to help address significant global issues? Learn more about the Private Sector Talent Exchange, one way USAID works with the private sector. Through this exchange program, USAID leverages its global presence and expertise alongside the entrepreneurial talent of the private sector. This program facilitates staff exchanges, allowing USAID employees to work directly with companies and bringing company staff into USAID, all aimed at achieving impactful and aligned development outcomes. This highly dynamic and adaptive program can range from three months to two years, full-time or part-time, hybrid or remote. 

Please contact to learn more. 

When drafting a message to USAID, consider the following:

  • What does your business wish to accomplish with USAID?  
  • In which countries are you interested in working?  
  • Has your company previously had a relationship with USAID?  If so, who was your previous point of contact?
Collage of two women in a boat clean up bottles and litter among sea plants, two men lifting potato starch bag up to processing equipment in a manufacturing setting, two women at a desk review headlines in a newspaper and geometric shapes.
How We Work

Explore our impact

A woman in a yellow-print, traditional dress accesses health care on her phone.
Health Care


Digital Health Services

Increased digital health care access to a fifth of Rwanda’s population with more than 3,000,000 consultations, while also employing more Rwandan medical professionals.

Apples produced by a farmer and user of the mobile matchmaking service in Georgia.
Food and Beverage

Adjara Group

Hospitality and Restaurant Company

Developed a mobile matchmaking platform to connect restaurants to quality produce in Georgia, generating $4.4 million in sales for farmers and furthering business to business market development.

A young woman crafts jewelry by hand in a factory setting.
Consumer Goods and Retail

Tiffany & Co.


Partnered with an industrial park free zone to boost work skills for at-risk youth, resulting in hiring for nearly 800 young people in just five years of the program.

Four Ghanaian children snack on tubes of peanut paste.

The Hershey Company

Multinational Food Manufacturer

Primed Ghana’s market for safer, higher-quality peanuts while also delivering a novel, nutritious product.