Partner Directory

The directory is a listing of development organizations working to make sustainable changes in their communities and around the world. 

Showcasing your organization increases your visibility among USAID Headquarters, Missions, and current partners looking for collaboration opportunities.


Local Partners

Africa0-58 Selected
Antarctica0-3 Selected
Asia0-42 Selected
Europe and Eurasia0-60 Selected
Latin America and th...0-48 Selected
Middle East0-16 Selected
North America0-2 Selected
North Atlantic0-0 Selected
Oceania0-27 Selected
South Atlantic0-3 Selected
Type of organization
USAID Partnership status
Socio-economic factors

Map view

<p>No results available</p>

No results available

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Strengthen your online presence and credibility as you raise awareness about your impact and value.

Join the directory
USAID mosaic graphic of shapes and images representing Agency projects.

Why join the Partner Directory?

  • Join a listing of development organizations working to make sustainable changes in their communities and around the world.
  • Explore the directory to expand your network and discover potential partners in different countries and sectors.
  • Browse the profiles of a wide range of organizations, learn more about their work, and connect with them...