April Funding Opportunities: Mark Your Calendars

Mar 30, 2023
News & Announcements
Funding Opportunities
April funding calendar dates

Selected Funding Opportunity Due Dates*

*All current USAID opportunities can be found on SAM.gov (contracts) and Grants.gov (grants and cooperative agreements). Don't see an opportunity in your country? Check out USAID's Business Forecast to see anticipated upcoming opportunities.


April 6 | South Africa ?? Request for Information (RFI) for Children, Adolescents & Families in the HIV Epidemic in the North West Province

April 10 | Nigeria ?? Solicitation for professional facilitators for Mission-Wide Executive Coaching For Sustainable Leadership

April 12 | Morocco ?? RFI for Source Sought Notice (SSN) - Morocco Climate Program

April 13 | Kenya ??  RFI for USAID/Kenya and East Africa's anticipated Marine Biodiversity Conservation Activity – Western Indian Ocean Activity

April 14 | Kenya ?? Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Land, Environment and Natural Resource Management Policy Program

April 21 | Mozambique ?? RFI for Anticipated Stability Through Economic Progress, Unity and Peacebuilding (STEP UP) Activity

April 21| South Africa ??RFI for Anticipated Regional Countering Trafficking in Persons Activity

April 27 | South Africa ?? Request for Quotations (RFQ) for Supply and Install New Office Furniture for OIG Space

April 28 | South Africa ?? RFI for Anticipated Activity to Strengthen Networking and Collaboration Among Southern African Investigative Journalists and Newsrooms

May 1 | South Africa ?? Concepts papers for Power to the People Program Design Support Services -  Political Economy Analysis, Community Listening Sessions, Gender and Youth Analysis, and Workshop Design.


April 16 | Barbados ?? and Bahamas ?? RFI for Barbados and the Bahamas Youth Justice Activity

April 21 | Colombia ?? Request for Proposals (RFP) for Island Solar Power Plant Project


April 4 | Nepal??RFI for Anticipated Health Learning Activity

April 9 | Bangladesh ?? Request for concepts notes from local organizations for the Bangladesh America Maitree Activity

April 14 | Central Asia RFP for USAID's Central Asia Mechanism for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Activity

April 17 | Burma ?? Solicitation for USAID/Burma’s Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP)

April 25 | India ?? NOFO for USAID/India's Foundational Literacy and Numeracy for Children with Disabilities

April 28 | Burma ?? NOFO for the Enhancing Local Achievements in Nutrition Excellence (ELAINE) 


April 5 | Kazakhstan ?? RFI for USAID/Kazakhstan's anticipated activity for Collecting Information on Organizations with Experience in Local Governance


May 2 | Jordan ?? NOFO for USAID/Jordan’s Higher Education for Innovation and Growth 


April 7 | Bureau of Global Health, Office of Health Systems (OHS): RFI for anticipated Integrated Health Systems Strengthening Activity

April 7 | Research Division in the Innovation, Technology, and Research Hub of the Bureau of Development, Democracy, and Innovation: RFI for programming to increase the generation, translation and utilization of scientific research

April 12 | Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance: RFA for USAID’s Global Transportation, Delivery, and Distribution of Shelf-Stable Food Commodities.

April 28 | Broad Agency Announcement for Climate Action Partnership for Education

Interested in responding but not sure if you're ready to partner with USAID? Take the Pre-Engagement Assessment on WorkwithUSAID.org! This 46-question self-assessment will help you understand your organization's readiness and provide resources to help build your capacity. Also, get tips for responding to funding opportunities in our three-part How to Write a USAID Proposal blog series.

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